Make Preventive Care a Priority

October 28, 2020

While COVID-19 (coronavirus) was at its peak earlier this year, many doctor offices closed for non-emergency care. Now that most places have reopened, it’s a good time to consider getting the preventive care you might have put on hold.

A few hours is all it takes to set yourself up for long-term health success. Preventive screenings help your physician identify health concerns before they become real problems—saving you time, money, and pain in the future. For many diseases and conditions that cause serious illness, early detection is important for treatment. For example:

  • Medical: Monitoring your health on a regular basis helps set a baseline. This way, if something changes, it’s easier for your doctor to determine your risk level and next steps.
  • Dental: If left untreated, gum disease can allow bacteria to enter your blood stream and lead to other health complications. Scientific studies show a connection between gum disease and heart disease.
  • Vision: In addition to vision changes, regular eye exams can detect early warning signs for glaucoma, high blood pressure, and diabetes.
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